
LAMANDAU - The Indonesian National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo's firm order regarding eradicating online gambling/gambling was immediately responded to by arrests. In various regions, this gambling eradication operation was held.

This firm action was also carried out by the Lamandau Police, Central Kalimantan. One online gambler with the initials HM (52) was arrested.

HM was secured by Lamandau Police personnel while at a shop in Wonorejo Village, Sematu Jaya District, Lamandau Regency, Central Kalimantan.

“After we received information from the public, we immediately carried out an investigation and succeeded in securing the suspected perpetrator and the evidence. From the results of the examination, HM admits his actions," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Lamandau Police, Iptu I Wayan Wiratmaja Swetha, quoted from a written statement, Monday, August 22.

The police secured evidence including one mobile phone, an ATM card and Rp14 thousand in cash. The perpetrators and the evidence have been secured to the Lamandau Police Headquarters.

Based on the results of the examination of witnesses and suspects, it was known that HM carried out online gambling activities using his cellphone.

"Our alleged perpetrators were snared under Article 303 Paragraph (1) to 1e and Paragraph (3) of the Criminal Code or Article 303 bis Paragraph (1) to 1 of the Criminal Code, with the threat of imprisonment for four years," said the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit.

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