
JAKARTA - Director of IndoStrategi Research and Consulting Arif Nurul Imam assesses that the General Chair of the Gerindra Party, Prabowo Subianto, has a great chance as a presidential candidate elected in the 2024 presidential election.

Based on the results of the Kompas Research and Development survey, Prabowo ranks first with a high electability rate. However, Prabowo can win victory if he cooperates with a candidate for vice president (cawapres) who has electoral leverage. So that it can double the support which can open up great opportunities.

"If we collaborate with Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin), I think there are many stock figures that have electoral effects that can increase the electability margin, such as Khofifah Indar Parawansa, Ganjar Pranowo, and Ridwan Kamil. I think there are many considerations for the vice presidential candidate, apart from platform opportunities and considering the leverage of electability," said Arif in Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region, Sunday, August 14.

Considering Cak Imin's potential as a vice presidential candidate to accompany Prabowo, according to Arif, he has big homework to do, namely boosting his popularity and electability.

"So that when paired with Prabowo Subianto, it can be an electoral leverage," continued the political observer, according to Antara.

Furthermore, Arif said no less important factors that could lead Prabowo to the number 1 seat in Indonesia were the two political agendas that were born in the 2022 Gerindra Rapimnas.

Arif said the important political agenda of the 2022 Gerindra Rapimnas, namely the first PKB and Gerindra to legally carry out political cooperation in a formal way to make a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for a coalition in the presidential and legislative elections in 2024.

Second, PKB and Gerindra are political axes that administratively political support can carry presidential and vice presidential candidates in the 2024 Simultaneous Elections.

"To this day, the only figure who can run in the 2024 presidential election is Prabowo Subianto who got a ticket to contest the presidential election. Even though the vice presidential candidate is still being discussed by Gerindra and PKB. Those are two important points in the Gerindra Rapimnas in Hambalang," he said.

He also said that there were still opportunities for other political parties to join PKB and Gerindra. However, it must have a political accommodation base.

"Whether the joining parties have not been accommodated politically, political sharing or political deals were built, of course, the coalition will be wide open. PKB and Gerindra open up opportunities for other parties to join this axis," he added.

In addition, political parties are tools of struggle that have ideologies and platforms. When they have the same or at least the same perspective in seeing this nationality, it certainly becomes a factor for other political parties to join this coalition.

"There are at least two reasons that political parties will join," he said.

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