
TANGERANG – The inaugural trial of Indra Kusuma or Indra Kenz in the crime of fraudulent investment in Binomo binary options trading has taken place today at the Tangerang District Court, Friday, August 12.

The indictment was read by the Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the South Tangerang District Attorney's Office, Suwardi, Tommy Detasatria, Faidul Alim Romas, and Agung Susanto.

Indra Kenz as the defendant was charged with multiple charges, related to articles on information and electronic technology, fraud, and money laundering.

The defense attorney for the defendant Brian Praneda said that his party filed an exception to the indictment read by the public prosecutor in the trial.

He explained that related to the exceptions submitted, namely competence and indictments, they could not be accepted.

"We are filing an exception. There are various types of exceptions that we propose, related to competence and related to unacceptable charges," Brian told reporters at the Tangerang District Court, Friday, August 12.

He also explained his reason for filing an exception to the indictment was not accepted, because his client should not have been a defendant in the case. The main reported party should have been that Binomo was also a defendant because the victims made the transfer to Binomo, not Indra Kenz.

"Binomo should have been appointed as a suspect and then a defendant. That doesn't exist and doesn't happen here," he said.

Furthermore, the relative competency exception is proposed. Because the number of witnesses who live in the Jakarta area is 26 people. Meanwhile, he continued, there were 13 witnesses in the South Tangerang area.

"So, most of the witnesses are outside Tangerang. Why is it held at the Tangerang District Court. In addition, there are many other witnesses scattered throughout Indonesia," he explained.

Brian also said that there was another point in the case, namely that the victim had made an agreement or agreement with Binomo before they could trade.

According to him, with an agreement between the parties and the victim's legal relationship with Binomo, in the event of a dispute, the dispute must be resolved in accordance with what is stated in the agreement.

"The three main points are that the victim makes an agreement or agreement with Binomo before they can trade Binomo. Why? With the agreement there is an agreement between the parties and a legal relationship between the victim and Binomo. So if there is a dispute, dispute or must also be resolved according to what is stated in the contents of the agreement," he concluded.

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