
JAKARTA - Minister of Health (Menkes) Budi Gunadi Sadikin said the PeduliLindung application has begun to be developed in stages so that it can become an individual health application for the community. Later PeduliLindung will not only be used to store test results and COVID-19 vaccinations.

"PeduliLindung will later become an individual public health application or a citizen health app. Now the data in PeduliLindung is only the results of the PCR test and the COVID-19 vaccination, later those that will enter are vaccinations other than COVID-19," said Budi, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 10.

"Now it has begun gradually (development) for those who are vaccinated," he added.

For vaccinations other than COVID-19 that will go to PeduliLindung, Budi said it includes mandatory vaccinations for children. Then, the PeduliLindung application will also collect data on the results of health checks in laboratories such as blood checks to the results of health checks in hospitals including ultrasound.

According to the Minister of Health, this step will have a good impact, especially for doctors because it can be easier to see patients' medical records.

"All individual patient data will belong to him at PeduliLindung. Doctors can see his health condition or what kind of electronic medical record he has. Then if for example he is referred to another hospital, the receiving hospital will immediately know (his condition)," he said. Budi.

The Minister of Health said he wanted the PeduliLindingu application to be able to connect with wearable devices which have been widely used by the public to support a healthy lifestyle every day.

"We will want devices such as the Apple Watch, Samsung Watch, all of which can be connected," he said.

Although the PeduliLindung application will not only collect data about COVID-19, Budi said the Ministry of Health will not change the name of the application because it is already very popular with the public.

"The name is good, PeduliLindungi, although at first it was difficult to say, but now it is so popular," he concluded.

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