
JEMBRANA - Two tons of cowhide without health documents were refused entry to Bali by the Gilimanuk Harbor and Quarantine Police in Jembrana Regency, Bali.

"The Gilimanuk Harbor Area Police together with the quarantine managed to secure two tons of undocumented cowhide", said Gilimanuk Police Chief, Commissioner I Gusti Putu Dharmanatha, Tuesday, August 9.

The two tons of cowhide were transported by a pickup on Monday, August 8 at around 02.45 WITA at the Bali entrance to Gilimanuk Harbor, Melaya District, after docking from Ketapang Port, Banyuwangi, East Java.

At that time, the night picket officer inspected goods entering Gilimanuk Harbor. Officers checked the pickup driven by SR (32).

"During the inspection by opening the tarpaulin, it was seen that the cowhide was packed in hundreds of clear plastic weighing about two tons without any documents", he added.

From the driver's statement, the cowhide belonged to an unknown person and was transported by the side of the road in Probolinggo, East Java to Mengwi Terminal, Badung Regency, Bali.

Because he was a fellow driver, SR helped transport the cowhide and was given a fee of IDR 1.5 million.

The refusal of two tons of cowhide without a health document is by the Circular (SE) of the Head of the Agricultural Quarantine Agency Number 12950/KR.120/K/05/2022 concerning increasing awareness of the incidence of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) in livestock.

"Furthermore, by the Quarantine, an official report of the refusal was made and the cowhide was returned to Ketapang", he said.

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