
JAKARTA - The Head of the Criminal Investigation Department, General Commissioner Agus Andrianto, said that the Special Police Team would evaluate the handling of the police report (LP) filed by the wife of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, Putri Chandrawati (PC), and Bharada Richard Eliezer Pudihang Lumiu or Bharada E at Metro Jaya Police.

"We also received a letter from Special Team from investigators to evaluate the handling of the LP that was transferred from the Resort Police to Metro Region Police," Agus said at a press conference on the progress of handling the case of Brigadier J's murder at the National Police Headquarters, Thursday, August 4.

The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit (Kabareskrim) stated that the investigation carried out by the Bareskrim Polri on police reports made by the family of Brigadier Yosua, and an overflow police report from Metro Jaya Police contained a report from Putri Chandrawathi Ferdy Sambo regarding harassment and reports of death threats from Bharada E.

Indeed, two police reports were handled by the Metro Jaya Police, namely those from Putri Chandrawathi Ferdy Sambo and Bharada E. The reports were previously handled by the South Jakarta Metro Police at the initial investigation stage. Then it was withdrawn to the Metro Jaya Police, later it was taken over by the Criminal Investigation Police of the National Police.

From the results of the examination carried out by the Special Inspectorate (Irsus) of the Police Special Team, it was found that there were 25 Police personnel who were not professional in handling crime scenes (TKP), such as destroying evidence and eliminating evidence. For this reason, the Bareskrim Polri evaluates the police report.

"A joint evaluation will be carried out by the Special Team to examine whether the stages of the process they are carrying out are in accordance with the provisions or not. This is to carry out the order of the National Police Chief to make this case clear so that anyone who participates or orders them to do so will open," he said.

The 25 Polri personnel are from the Criminal Investigation Unit, the South Jakarta Metro Police and the Metro Jaya Police are currently undergoing the process of being investigated by the National Police Team.

Some of the 25 personnel will be placed in a special place to undergo examination. Later, if in the process a criminal violation is found, rather than the acts committed, whether it be obstructing the investigation process, eliminating evidence, and hiding evidence so that it hinders the investigation process, it will be processed ethically.

According to General Commissioner Agus, investigators are waiting for a recommendation from Irwasum which will be the basis for whether it is necessary to upgrade the status of the 25 personnel to become part of the perpetrators in Article 55 and Article 56, if someone has committed, ordered to commit a criminal act or because his attorney gave an order to commit a crime includes providing opportunities and assistance so that the crime can occur.

"This will be our foundation in carrying out the investigation process that we are doing," said Agus.

In this case, the Investigation Team of the Special Criminal Investigation Team of the National Police has named Bharada Richard Eliezer Pudihang Lumiu as a suspect under the suspicion of Article 338 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 of the Criminal Code and Article 56 of the Criminal Code. This allegation indicates that Bharada E is not alone, it is possible that other suspects are involved.

Kabareskrim said that his party had not yet implemented Article 340 regarding premeditated murder as reported by Brigadier J's family because the investigation process was still being investigated.

"This means that why is Article 340 not applied because this is still a series of deepening processes from the findings during the team's examination," he said.

General Commissioner Agus added that the unprofessionalism of Polri personnel in handling the initial case of the death of Brigadier Joshua, resulted in the completion of the case being hampered.

"Of course, the obstacle to the effort to prove is that there is evidence that is damaged or omitted, so it takes time to fully reveal this case," said the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit.

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