
JAKARTA - The name of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, is so dominant on Twitter. Even the name of the PDI-P politician is in the top 10 on almost all social media platforms.

The results are data captures issued by Media Monitoring Netray. Netray is a Media Monitoring based on big data analysis and artificial intelligence which was launched last July 9, 2020.

This time Netray monitored all the names of political figures in the mass media and social media (YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok) in the period 22-28 July 2022.

As a result, apart from Puan Maharani, Netray also arrested Erick Thohir and the Governor of DKI Anies Baswedan, who were among the top three most-mentioned figures.

Puan managed to rank first based on the number of mentions, she is very dominant on Twitter and entered the top 10 on all platforms. Meanwhile, Anies was dominantly mentioned in news channels and consistently entered the top 3 on all platforms.

Although the name Erick Thohir does not dominate, the conversation is quite stable. In each channel, the Minister of BUMN is always included in the top 10 most mentioned.

Erick became the second most popular political figure. While Ganjar and Ridwan Kamil, both dominate on Instagram and YouTube.

While the name of the Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko, his popularity beat Airlangga Hartarto and General Andika.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by