
JAKARTA - Trisakti University Criminal Law expert, Abdul Fickar Hadjar, said that the world of education is the biggest target used by terrorists to develop their movement. The pattern of development is the mode of teaching religion with a radical ideology.

"With the cover of religious education, ideology or teachings that lead people to become radical, are approached more with the mode of religious education," he said when contacted, Thursday, July 28.

Therefore, he advised teachers and educational institutions to participate in the fight against radicalism and terrorism.

Fickar also said how to prevent students from falling into radical teachings, Pancasila education must be strengthened.

However, he suggested how to deliver it using dialogue that is easily accepted by students so that it is easily understood rationally and not confusing.

In addition, said Fickar, Pancasila education is not only a theoretical subject, but also must apply daily behavior in accordance with the precepts contained in Pancasila.

“Pancasila, if it is explored, is actually an idea or teaching that actually forms the basis of religious teaching. Like the first precept, namely Belief in One God, of course, it is the same as understanding divinity, in the perspective of Pancasila, it is even broader. Likewise, the second principle is just and civilized humanity,” said Fickar.

He also explained that teachers must also understand the Pancasila teachings which are not always focused on delivering in writing, but also the extent to which other messages taught are implemented in everyday life.

“The current system is good, in the sense that Pancasila is still part of the material taught in schools. However, when schools are only placed as subjects, it is a mistake to view Pancasila education in my opinion," explained Fickar as quoted by Antara.

He said that the teacher's assessment pattern for students is not enough with written exams but also daily behavior and observing the attitudes of children to the extent of solidarity between students and tolerance for differences in their schools.

"Not only lessons but practice in applying Pancasila values ​​in students' daily activities," he said.

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