
JABAR - Governor of West Java M Ridwan Kamil supports the activities of teenagers from Sudirman, Citayam, Bojonggede, and Depok or SCBD in the Dukuh Atas area.

However, on condition that the Citayam Fashion Week street fashion show conducted by SCBD youths does not interfere with community activities. "I support anything, not just Citayam, okay. Whatever activities people do in public spaces, don't violate them, don't let them do that," said Ridwan Kamil at Gedung Sate, Bandung, West Java, Wednesday, July 27. Water, like Citayam Fashion Week, should not disturb the public or violate applicable regulations. "And I have reminded you, this phenomenon has no problem, unless it is violated. ," he said.

He said violations that usually occur in youth activities are such as polluting the city or littering and this kind of thing must be brought under control. begin to violate, put it in order," said Ridwan Kamil. So that the problem of violation should not be shifted to the substance of its expression which is the right of every community. "In terms of expression, there is no problem. One, because of the factor, he is a teenager. I think there is no problem, just accommodate it," he said. "So it's proportional. So don't shift the substance of the expression, but only the excesses," he concluded.

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