
NGAWI - Child molestation has occurred again in East Java. This time it happened to a teenage girl from Ngawi Regency.

The Ngawi Police Chief, AKBP Dwiasi Wiyatputera, explained that this case of sexual abuse was experienced by the victim for two years, since the victim was 17 years old.

This depraved act was carried out by the suspect JKI, 46, a spiritual teacher for the victim's family from Beran Village, Ngawi District, Ngawi Regency.

"The JKI argues that it wants to cleanse the victim from negative auras, and wants to pledge the victim to be safe from all disturbances from spirits," said Dwiasi, in a written statement, Wednesday, July 27.

To launch the action, continued Dwiasi, the JKI suspect used persuasion and threats to the victim. The perpetrators also carry the name of religion as a cover, so that the victim believes and wants to have sex with the suspect without any resistance.

"The JKI suspect is a confidant of the victim's family and is considered a spiritual teacher for the victim's family," he said.

The JKI suspect, said Dwiasi, admitted that he began to know the victim in early February 2020, at which time the victim's family often asked the suspect for help for alternative medicine and supernatural disorders experienced by the victim's family.

"At that time the victim's father was sick, and after being treated with alternative methods by the suspect, the victim's father began to recover gradually. Since then the victim and the suspect have become close and the victim has considered the suspect as her own father," he said.

Until June 2020, the suspect came to the victim's house with the intention of giving practice to the victim's father and mother which must be practiced outside the house. Because they already believed in the suspect, the victim's father and mother obeyed all of the suspect's orders and left the victim alone at home.

"At that time, the suspect launched his action by entering the victim's room, then persuading the victim and saying he would clean the negative aura on the victim's body (to be in Bai'at). The condition is that the victim must take off all her clothes and obey all requests from the suspect," he said.

Not only that, the suspect also swore the victim to promise to always obey all the wishes of the suspect, without any resistance and not to tell anyone. At that time, the suspect also threatened to harm and kill the victim.

"Out of fear, the victim complied with all the wishes of the perpetrator, even when the suspect had sex with the victim for the first time at the victim's house," he said.

After the first incident, the suspect felt addicted so that he kept repeating the act of sexual intercourse with the victim under the same pretext and reason, namely to clean up the victim, until the suspect's actions lasted approximately two years so that the victim experienced a pregnancy with a gestational age of approximately five months.

"The suspect had sexual intercourse with the victim for the first time when the victim was 17 years old, and this has been done continuously and repeatedly until now the victim is 19 years old with a total of approximately 200 sexual intercourses during that period," he said.

According to Dwiasi, so far the victim has not told her what happened because she is afraid of the suspect's threat. But it was revealed after the victim became pregnant, and ventured to tell everything to her parents. Then they reported the matter to the Ngawi Sector Police for further legal proceedings.

Dwiasi explained, from the results of the investigation by the Ngawi Police, it was suspected that the suspect's deviant behavior was also carried out on dozens of minors. However, no other victims have reported to the police so far.

"For this reason, the Ngawi Satreskrim has opened a special hotline for the complaint center for obscene cases so that it can be handled immediately, with the number 085161847080," he said.

For his actions, the suspect JKI was charged with Article 76D Jo 81 or Article 76E Jo Article 82 of the Law on Child Protection.

"The JKI suspect is threatened with a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison and a fine of IDR 5 billion," he said.

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