
JAKARTA - The Advocacy Team for Handling Law and Justice (Appeared) visited the DPR building to meet the chairman of Commission III of the DPR, Bambang Wuryanto. The arrival of lawyers to complain about the death of Brigadier Yoshua Hutabarat or Brigadier J at the house of the inactive Propam Head of Division Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.

Advocates who are members of Tampak, Saor Siagian, encourage the National Police Headquarters to open this case transparently without anything being covered up. Moreover, CCTV at the residence of Inspector General Sambo which can be used as evidence has been found.

"Yesterday, the National Police Headquarters opened it, meaning that there were instructions for the team that had been formed, meaning that many things were actually being covered up. In the past, CCTV did not exist and has been found. This is the beginning to uncover this case," said Saor at the DPR building, Friday, July 22.

"So we urge our friends in Commission III as supervisors to immediately supervise and oversee this case specifically. Because this is not a personal problem for Joshua Hutabarat, but a problem concerning the existence of our country," he continued.

Saor emphasized that President Jokowi had twice asked for this case to be resolved. Therefore, he said, the special team investigators could not linger

"No longer, for example, there is engineering, there is no investigation (investigation), no more new accusations, but now the focus is being done by the National Police Headquarters. Revealing who Joshua Hutabarat really is. Because this may be the only one in the world, where an aide protects his superior 6 years later was killed because he knew about the incident. This is about law enforcement," he said.

Saor said the case of Brigadier J's death was actually simple. He considered that the inactive Head of the Propam Division, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, could be a witness who could reveal who was behind the shooting.

"I think it's simple, because when Brigadier J was killed, the head of the Propam division said he called, it's clear, at least he's a witness. This case is very simple, so it was immediately revealed. listen, it means he is doing PCR, he said, so his wife wanted to be harassed then called the police chief, meaning that this case is very simple, like the analysis from Tampak, just want to be serious or not?," he explained.

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