
JAKARTA - The group of workers who held a demonstration regarding the DKI Provincial Minimum Wage (UMP) in front of the DKI Jakarta City Hall hoped that the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan would meet them.

Although currently the ranks of the DKI Provincial Government from the Manpower, Transmigration and Energy Agency (Disnakertransgi) are currently meeting representatives of the Indonesian Trade Union Confederation (KSPI) to receive an audience regarding the demands of the masses.

"Our hope today is that Mr. Anies will come out to meet us. Come on, Mr. Anies, we are representatives of the workers of DKI Jakarta who are fighting with you, always guarding your policies," said Chairman of the DPD National Workers Union (SPN) of DKI Province, Mohammad Andre Nasrullah. on location, Wednesday, July 20.

Based on information received by VOI, Anies was at the DKI Jakarta City Hall during the labor action. However, Anies is currently doing work in his office.

Meanwhile, Andre asked Anies not to hesitate to file an appeal to the Jakarta PTTUN for the Jakarta Administrative Court's decision to lower the DKI UMP from Rp4.64 million to Rp4.53 million.

Andre claimed that his party would continue to support Anies' political steps, including running for President.

"There's no need to be afraid, Pak Anies. Come and file a lawsuit (appeal). The DKI KSPI Regional Regulation (Regional Representative) continues to support Pak Anies until Pak Anies becomes president," said Andre.

Andre said that the DKI KSPI had previously supported Anies since the former Minister of Education and Culture ran as a candidate for DKI Governor in the 2017 Pilkada.

Therefore, Andre demanded that Anies keep his promise to improve the welfare of workers when he set the DKI UMP to increase by 5.1 percent to Rp4.64 million per month.

"Since the beginning of deciding the UMP, KSPI has been here. The governor (once) came to see us. He promised to decide DKI Jakarta's wages with a sense of justice," Andre exclaimed.

"We have gone through many things, many obstacles. Why did we come today? We support him again to file a lawsuit," he continued.

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