
JAKARTA - A neighbor of the shelter for the Head of the Police Profession and Security Division, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, admitted that he had not heard of a shootout between Brigadier J and Bharada E.

In fact, Wawan, a resident of the Duren Tiga Police Complex, South Jakarta, whose house is only 3 meters from the official residence of Inspector General Sambo, also did not hear the sound of gunshots coming from the two-story house.

"I can't hear it, even though my house is here (a distance) about 3 meters from Inspector General Pol Ferdy's house," said Wawan, when met at the Duren Tiga Police Complex, Thursday, July 14.

However, Wawan could not think more about the incident.

When met by reporters, Wawan revealed that Inspector General Sambo rarely interacts with the surrounding community.

"He has no certain time when coming home, sometimes at 1 o'clock, 2 o'clock (night). We rarely hang out with him, rarely at home," said Wawan, Thursday, July 14.

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