
JAKARTA - The DKI Provincial Government has added two- and four-wheel vehicle emission test workshops as support for the government's plan to require emission tests as the basis for imposing motor vehicle tax (PKB).

"For the imposition of the annual PKB," said the Head of Public Relations Section of the DKI Environmental Service (DLH) Yogi Ikhwan in Jakarta, Wednesday, July 13, quoted from Antara.

Previously, in January 2022, DKI had 268 workshops that could serve emission tests. Now the number has increased -- especially for four wheels -- to 317 workshops.

Not only workshops, the number of technicians also increased to 892 people, an increase compared to January 2022, which reached 816 people.

As for two-wheelers, the number of workshops reached 92 workshops, an increase compared to January 2022 which reached 41 workshops.

The number of emission test technicians in two-wheeled workshops currently reaches 174 people, an increase from last January's 104 people

Meanwhile, the number of four-wheeled vehicles that have been tested for emissions to date has reached 669,100 vehicles and of that number, about 98 percent of vehicles have passed the emission test.

As for the two-wheelers, as many as 58,818 motorcycles have been tested for emissions with 92.7 percent passing the emission test.

Vehicles that have not passed the emission test must carry out repairs at the workshop and carry out a re-emission test.

Yogi added that the number of workshops and technicians will continue to grow because the DKI Provincial Government provides convenience, one of which is the licensing process.

In accordance with DKI Governor Regulation No. 66 of 2020 concerning Motor Vehicle Exhaust Emission Tests, emission tests can be carried out in workshops, kiosks and emission test service vehicles.

To apply for a license as an operator of motor vehicle emission tests, business actors can also administer it through an online service, namely the Jakevo application.

Business actors must fulfill administrative requirements including photocopy of business registration number (NIB), photocopy of official report or certificate of calibration of emission test equipment that is still valid and photocopy of letter of appointment of emission test technician.

While the technical requirements, namely technicians, emission test equipment and computer equipment and other hardware to support the emission test information system.

Previously, the Head of the DKI Jakarta Environment Agency, Asep Kuswanto, said that vehicle owners who are more than three years old and will pay vehicle tax are required to meet the emission test quality standards.

"If you do not pass the emission test and or have not carried out the emission test, you will be subject to a tax penalty. The penalty coefficient is currently being discussed by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry with the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Finance," he said.

Asep added that the implementation in DKI Jakarta is certain to take place by the end of this year.

"We are currently formulating it together with the Environment Service, Polda Metro Jaya, Regional Revenue Management Agency and Transportation Service," Asep added.

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