JAKARTA - A recent study reveals that eating two certain types of fruit three to four times a week can significantly reduce the risk of early death.
Reported by VOI from the GloucestershireLive page on Friday, December 27, 2024, the research published in the journal Frontiers of Nutrition highlights the health benefits of regular consumption of apples and bananas.
Research finding apple food 4 times a week can reduce the risk of heart disease by about 40 percent. Meanwhile, consuming bananas 3-4 times a week can also reduce the risk of early death.
Researchers from Yangtze Hospital in China analyzed data from 2,184 men and women who have high cholesterol levels. They found that apple consumption as much as three to four times a week could reduce the risk of heart disease by up to 40 percent. Meanwhile, eating bananas at the same frequency can reduce the risk of early death by up to 30 percent.
During the 10-year research period, individuals who regularly eat apples and bananas have a longer chance of living than those who don't eat the fruit.
The study also shows that consuming the two fruits simultaneously provides greater benefits, although increasing consumption frequency above 4 times a week does not provide significant added benefits.
"The results of this study show that consuming three to four times a week of apples or bananas significantly increases the survival of 10 years in patients suffering from dyslipidemia (high cholesterol)," reads the report from the scientists.
"The consumption of the two pieces simultaneously is even more effective. However, increasing the frequency of consumption above does not provide additional benefits," he continued.
In the report, the researchers emphasized the importance of fruits in preventing cardiovascular disease, hypertension, obesity, and improving mental health. They also mention the Mediterranean diet, which is rich in fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats, is one of the best diets to prevent various chronic diseases, including cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer's.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends consumption of at least 400 grams of fruit and vegetables per day, equivalent to five servings. The UK National Health Agency (NHS) also supports this guideline emphasizing that fruits and vegetables rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals such as folates, vitamin C, and potassium, which are important for the health of the body.
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