
MANADO - Residents of North Sulawesi (North Sulawesi) who were confirmed positive for COVID-19 and are still receiving treatment at the hospital increased to 25 people. "An additional one new case of COVID-19, so that active cases currently reach 0.04 percent," said Head of the Surveillance and Immunization Section of the North Sulawesi Provincial Health Office, Mery B. Pasrong in Manado, Antara, Friday, July 8. One new case that has increased is from Minahasa Regency, the male is in the age range of 25-34 years. The Task Force hopes that people will not be careless about wearing masks when carrying out activities, and continue to increase their immunity through vaccination for residents who have not received the full dose, the first and second doses. "We continue to encourage, invite people who have not received the full dose, to immediately go to a health service place that provides COVID-19 vaccination," he said. Currently, he said, the accumulation of positive confirmed cases in the province of more than 2.6 million people has reached 51,372 people. A total of 50,178 people have reported recovered, so the current cure rate has reached 97.67 percent. Furthermore, 1,169 people were declared dead, with a case fatality rate of 2.27 percent. It was noted that as many as 153 samples were taken using rapid antigen diagnostic tests (RDT-Ag) in seven districts and cities, none were confirmed positive.

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