
SULAWESI - As many as 60 drug convicts in the Class IIA prison Kendari Southeast Sulawesi are undergoing rehabilitation so that they can be separated from dependence on illegal drugs.

Head of the Correctional Division of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) of Southeast Sulawesi, Muslim, said the dozens of drug convicts had finished undergoing a six-month rehabilitation period in the Kendari Class IIA Prison.

"They (drug convicts) have been undergoing rehabilitation since early January 2022 and finished in early July 2022. So in six months, 60 people participated, and Alhamdulillah, 60 people were closed", he said in Kendari, quoted from Antara, Thursday, July 7.

He hopes that undergoing rehabilitation can provide education and understanding to the inmates so that they can be free from the dangers of narcotics and form of Correctional Inmates (WBP) into more responsible people and prioritize honesty.

"Hopefully, with them undergoing this rehabilitation, after completing their criminal period, they will no longer be involved in things that violate the law, especially drug problems", he said.






Muslim explained that the number of inmates, especially in Class IIA Kendari Prison, was only 60 people undergoing rehabilitation because it was according to the quota given by the central Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

Muslim said, of the 3,172 inmates at this time, 1,219 prisoners and detainees, or 38 percent of them were caught in drug cases, while the rest were involved in cases of theft, robbery, persecution, and other crimes.

The number of inmates in prisons and detention centers throughout Southeast Sulawesi as of July 4, 2022, was recorded at 3,172 people, with details of 2,453 prisoners and 719 prisoners.

"For Southeast Sulawesi, it is a very massive development, it is drug cases", he said.

In addition to rehabilitating 60 drug convicts, Muslim said as many as 140 inmates have also been given work skills, namely manufacturing welding, woodworking, and motorcycle repairs.

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