
SULTRA - The Governor of Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra) Ali Mazi announced the construction of an integrity zone towards the 2024 general election (Election) that is honest, transparent, accountable, careful and accurate so as to create a democratic election.

This was conveyed by Ali at the opening of the regional coordination meeting coupled with the Declaration of the Development of the Integrity Zone Towards the 2024 General Election and Election at the Southeast Sulawesi KPU in Kendari, Tuesday, July 5 evening.

"The holding of a regional coordination meeting and the declaration of the development of an integrity zone within the KPU of Southeast Sulawesi Province have five strategic meanings," Ali said in his written statement, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, July 6.

First, he continued, the coordination meeting is a momentum for the provincial KPU as well as in regencies/cities throughout Southeast Sulawesi to further strengthen the collective-collegial spirit of all levels of election organizers.

Furthermore, secondly, the meeting contained a strong message from the KPU that the KPU ranks in Southeast Sulawesi were ready to carry out the task of holding elections and elections in 2024.

Then third, the implementation of the coordination meeting which was attended by the ranks of Regency/Municipal KPU throughout Southeast Sulawesi, which also presented strategic stakeholders, reflected that the synergy of each element in Southeast Sulawesi was getting better.

Followed by the fourth, the implementation of this regional coordination meeting coupled with the Declaration of Integrity Zone Development within the KPU of Southeast Sulawesi Province shows the commitment of the Southeast Sulawesi KPUD as an institution that is obliged to guarantee public service accountability according to the standards applicable in government agencies.

Lastly, he continued, through this regional coordination meeting, Ali Mazi hopes to produce a road map that will become a reference in organizing the 2024 general election and election in Southeast Sulawesi.

"I as the governor of Bumi Anoa (the nickname of the Southeast Sulawesi Province) declare that I am ready to support the smooth implementation of the duties and functions of the election organizers in this area in accordance with the provisions of the legislation as mandated by Law Number 7 of 2017," said Ali.

In addition, he emphasized that the Regents/Mayors in Southeast Sulawesi provide full support to the KPU in their respective regions for the success of the 2024 General Election.

The Governor added, based on available data, the implementation of the 2019 General Election has shown improvements in the quality of implementation, which can be seen from the increasing number of election participation rates.

In the 2014 election, 62 percent of the people of Southeast Sulawesi cast their votes, then it rose to 79.33 percent or above the national target of 77.50 percent in the 2019 election.

According to him, this shows that public awareness to channel their voting rights is getting better, the professionalism and integrity of election organizers is getting stronger, and of course the stronger synergy between the local government, TNI/Polri and all existing stakeholders.

"The success of the 2019 election in the Southeast Sulawesi region must continue in the 2024 general election, so we have high hopes for the RI KPU to continuously give attention and direction to the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial KPU commissioners to continue to maintain professionalism and integrity in carrying out their duties," he concluded. .

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