
JAKARTA - PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) targets the demolition of the Gunung Antang prostitution site, Matraman District, East Jakarta in July.

Several illegal buildings will be made public facilities, one of which is the Green Open Space (RTH).

Currently, PT KAI is still coordinating with the East Jakarta City Government regarding the plan to control or demolish the Gunung Antang localization.

"Hopefully this July target can be completed", said Head of Public Relations of PT KAI Daop 1, Eva Chairunisa to reporters, Thursday, June 23.

In addition, shortly, PT KAI will send a notification letter regarding localization control to the East Jakarta City Government.

"The procedure will enter the stage of direct socialization (to residents) and sending notification letters", he said.

Separately, East Jakarta Mayor, M Anwar, said his party was holding a meeting with PT KAI on Thursday, June 23, today.

"Today the meeting is held at PT KAI and they will make a notification letter in the context of structuring the location", said Mayor Anwar to reporters, Thursday, June 23.

Residents of RW 01 Rawa Bunga Village, Jatinegara, East Jakarta complained about the existence of Gunung Antang prostitution localization. The complaint was made after a series of attacks by thugs from the Gunung Antang localization group on residential areas using sharp weapons and firearms.

The attacks in the RW 001 Rawa Bunga area occurred twice, namely on Sunday, June 12, and Monday, June 13. At least four residents were injured and one house was damaged due to being pelted with stones during the attack on Sunday, June 12, early in the morning.

Meanwhile, during the follow-up attack, namely Monday, June 13, early in the morning, residents heard gunshots more than three times. One of the bullets penetrated the rolling door and window of a resident's window.

Residents are afraid of the terror carried out by the attack group. Furthermore, residents asked the local government to immediately close the localization of Mount Antang in East Jakarta which is increasingly disturbing the community.

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