
BANDAR LAMPUNG - One hajj candidate from Lampung Province was delayed in leaving for the Holy Land this year because she was pregnant, according to an official from the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion.

Implementation of the Duties of the Head of the Hajj and Umrah Organization for the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of Lampung, Ahor Wiwit when contacted from Bandarlampung, Monday, June 20, said that the delayed hajj candidates departing for the Holy Land came from East Lampung Regency.

According to him, the Hajj candidate who is a member of the flying group of 13 was originally scheduled to depart for the Holy Land on June 11, 2022, but her departure was postponed because she was deemed unfit to fly.

"Women who are pregnant young and old are not allowed to fly so they are considered not to meet the requirements for departure (to the Holy Land)," he said, quoted by Antara.

He said that the hajj candidates would be prioritized in the departure of the hajj candidates next year. "Those who are canceled due to health reasons this year will be a priority next year," he said.

During the 2022 hajj pilgrimage, Lampung Province dispatched 3,251 hajj candidates and officers to the Holy Land.

Ahor said that currently there are still two flying groups of pilgrims from Lampung Province who will depart for the Holy Land via Jakarta.

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