
JAKARTA - The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) of the Republic of Indonesia has made table tennis a means of anti-narcotics campaign during the 2022 International Anti-narcotics Day (HANI) commemoration in Bali.

Therefore, BNN will hold an international table tennis tournament on 19–22 June 2022 as an event to spread anti-narcotics messages to the younger generation, especially athletes from six countries, namely Indonesia, Singapore, South Korea, and India, Malaysia, and Thailand.

“Table tennis is a people's sport. In Bali, almost every village has table tennis, as well as in other areas in Indonesia", said the Head of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) of the Republic of Indonesia, Commissioner General Petrus Reinhard Golose, citing Antara, Sunday, June 19.

Golose explained that table tennis as a "popular" sport known to all levels of society could synergize with the Shining Village Program (Clean from Narcotics), which is one of the BNN's flagships.

“We started by pleasing the residents, they were busy in villages, and there were activities in the village and urban village (exercise). We are promoting this very popular sport, so we hope that table tennis will be part of the soft power approach", said Golose.

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