
JAKARTA - Head of the Indonesian Migrant Worker Protection Agency (BP2MI), Benny Rhamdani, said the involvement of all parties, especially the regional government, plays an important role in efforts to protect Indonesian migrant workers.

Met after signing a collaboration with 16 local governments at the BP2MI Office, Jakarta on Thursday, June 16, Head of BP2MI Benny explained that by Law Number 18 of 2018 concerning Protection of PMIs, the role of local governments was mandated in efforts to place and protect PMIs.

"The problem in the field is very complex, not only from the aspect of placement but also how this protection becomes serious to involve all parties having an ideological awareness of what is called shared responsibility", said Benny, quoted by Antara.

This can be stated through the collaboration of stakeholders both at the central and regional levels.

He said that before the signing of the memorandum of understanding today, his party had signed 170 cooperation documents with ministries/agencies, state-owned enterprises, regional governments, and educational institutions both at home and abroad.

Regarding cooperation with local governments, it is hoped that synergies can be achieved in eradicating illegal placement syndicates, providing education and training, facilitating the implementation of protection, implementing placement services, and socializing job opportunities.

This synergy is carried out to optimize the role of each party, both BP2MI and local governments in supporting the implementation of the protection of Indonesian workers (TKI), including encouraging the placement of skilled workers according to procedures.

"We focus on the placement of workers who will later be labeled as skilled and professional workers, those who have expertise and skills and then language skills", said Benny.

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