
WONOGIRI - The Wonogiri Police have arrested seven members of the Khilafatul Muslimin related to the implementation of madrasa education in Wonokerto Village, Wonogiri City District, Central Java.

"The seven members of the Khilafatul Muslimin are currently undergoing examination at the Wonogiri Police Headquarters," said Wonogiri Police Chief AKBP Dydit Dwi Susanto at a press conference at the Wonogiri Police Headquarters, Antara, Thursday, June 16.

The members of the Muslim Khilafatul who were secured consisted of the principal and the madrasa carer, with the initials YH and six caregivers or teachers namely SG, IZ, SB, MI, RW, and AR. All are immigrants from outside Wonogiri.

The police chief explained that the implementation of illegal education was opposed by a number of elements of society, because the teaching materials were contrary to Islamic teachings. At first the Khilafatul Muslimin group only held recitations.

The police chief said that the Khilafatul Muslimin activities began when the perpetrator with the initials S held a recitation in 2014 at the Al Muttaqin Mosque, Wonokerto Village. The study was initially attended by the local community.

The recitation was held with the permission of the head of the local hamlet with the initials PY who is also the reporter. Over time, the residents participated in the S recitation activities, but the teachings they brought were suspected to deviate from Islamic teachings, so they were then opposed by local residents.

The Khilafatul Muslimin group then reappeared in 2021, by constructing buildings and using the building for educational activities at the Usman Bin Affan Islamic School of Khilafatul Muslimin Islamic Boarding School (PPUI).

"It turned out that the establishment of the madrasa was without permission from the government and the residents protested, so that it was reported to the police, who immediately took legal steps," he explained.

The police in this case managed to secure a number of evidences, including one curriculum material book, five learning activity material books, and a statement letter stating the students' parents' ability to participate in learning activities at PPUI Madrasah Ibtidaiyah.

The activities of the Khilafatul Muslimin group in Wonogiri, said the Head of the Resort Police, violated Article 71 of Law No. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System, Article 65 of Law No. 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation.

Therefore, the PPUI Khilafatul Muslimin activities have been stopped. Meanwhile, the students aged 5 to 7 years have been returned to their parents and received assistance from the Correctional Center (BAPAS), the Regional Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD), the Protection of Women and Children (PPA) and the Wonogiri Social Service (Dinsos).

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