
JAKARTA - Kadispenad Brigadier General Tatang Subarna said the leadership of the Army (AD) would give strict sanctions to individual soldiers involved in the misuse of ammunition in the assigned area, namely Praka AKG and Prada YW.

"The TNI AD leadership will give strict sanctions to unscrupulous soldiers who are involved in the misuse of ammunition," said Head of the Army Information Service (Kadispenad) Brigadier General Tatang Subarna in a written statement from Dispenad quoted by Antara, Thursday, June 9.

He said the misuse of ammunition was an act that did not reflect the disciplinary values contained in the Sapta Marga, the Soldier's Oath, and the Eight Mandatory Military Forces.

"This does not reflect the disciplinary values contained in the Sapta Marga, the Soldier's Oath, and the Eight Mandatory Military Forces," said Tatang.

Previously, on Tuesday (7/6), a joint TNI/Polri team arrested an AKG Chief Soldier (Praka) soldier in Sugapa, Intan Jaya Regency, Papua Province, on suspicion of being involved in the misuse of ammunition, namely selling 10 rounds of ammunition to armed groups. .

Praka AKG is suspected of selling ammunition to armed groups in Bilogai Village, Sugapa District, Intan Jaya Regency, Papua Province.

Next, on Wednesday (8/6), Military Police Military Command (Pomdam) XVII Cenderawasih arrested members of Battalion RK 751/VJS Prajurit Two (Prada) YW for carrying 44 rounds of ammunition at Sentani Airport, Jayapura Regency, Papua Province.

According to Kapendam XVII Cenderawasih Lt. Col. Kav. Herman Taryaman, Prada YW was secured by airport security officers when he was at the departure gate for carrying ammunition, then Prada YW was reported to his unit, Battalion 751/VJS in Sentani.

Herman also said that the Prada YW was found carrying 44 rounds of ammunition consisting of 42 rounds of 5.56 caliber and two rounds of hollow bullets of 5.56 caliber.

For this incident, Tatang ensured that the two TNI AD soldiers who were involved in the misuse of the ammunition would be processed in accordance with the applicable legal provisions.

"Currently, the investigation into the two cases is still being carried out by law enforcement officers," he said.

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