
JAKARTA - The uncooperative attitude of the President Director of PT Pertamina (Persero) Nicke Widyawati regarding the alleged ethical violation by KPK Deputy Chair Lili Pintauli Siregar for allegedly receiving accommodation and the Mandalika MotoGP ticket has raised questions. This was conveyed by a researcher at the Anti-Corruption Study Center (Pukat) UGM, Zaenur Rohman.

"I see Pertamina here being uncooperative and Pertamina's uncooperative then raises a question mark as to why," Zaenur told reporters quoted on Tuesday, June 7.

At least, there are several reasons that could underlie the state-owned company being uncooperative in Lili's alleged ethical violation. First, Pertamina may consider this unimportant.

If this assumption is true, Zaenur assesses that the state-owned company has shown a low commitment to implementing clean governance. "And Pertamina's low commitment to participate in upholding state life that upholds the code of ethics," he said.

Next, Zaenur assesses, the KPK Supervisory Board may not get respect from other parties, including external parties. "Why? Because so far the KPK Council has not given a firm decision so it doesn't get enough trust," he said.

He said the KPK Supervisory Board also could not do anything because it did not have any coercive measures in the law. Including, asking the police for help to bring the directors of PT Pertamina.

Thus, Tumpak Hatorangan and colleagues as the KPK Supervisory Board should not rely on answers from PT Pertamina to determine the status of the alleged ethical violation. Moreover, Lili Pintauli has also been examined and evidence has been collected.

"There's no need to depend. Why? Supervisory Board has already obtained information from the reported statement in this case Lili Pintauli Siregar, the evidence submitted by the reporter, and it can also be assessed by the council itself whether the gift is a gift that is justified in the laws and regulations and also KPK's code of ethics," he said.

If the KPK Council still relies on PT Pertamina's reasons, Zaenur thinks this is far-fetched.

"So in my opinion, it is also unreasonable if the Supervisory Board did not resolve the ethical violation case by Lili Pintauli Siregar in the alleged acceptance of this gratification on the grounds that they are still waiting for information from the Pertamina board of directors," he said.

As previously reported, the KPK Council continues to wait for additional information from PT Pertamina (Persero) President Director Nicke Widyawati regarding alleged ethical violations by KPK Deputy Chair Lili Pintauli Siregar.

Member of the Corruption Eradication Committee, Albertina Ho, said that this additional information had been promised by Nicke when she was questioned on April 27. At that time, there were several things that the PT Pertamina boss could not explain.

"However, until today (additional information, red) has not been received by the KPK Council," she said.

In fact, her party has not received any response from Pertamina even though it has sent a letter since 20 May.

"Until today, we have not received a reply from Pertamina," said Albertina.

For information, the alleged receipt of accommodation and tickets for the Mandalika MotoGP by Lili Pintauli is still being investigated by the KPK Supervisory Board. Requests for information and collection of evidence are still ongoing.

In addition to having examined Nicke, the KPK Supervisory Board has asked related parties to bring proof of booking accommodation at Amber Lombok Beach Resort and Mandalika MotoGP tickets at the Grandstand Premium Zone A-Red.

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