
JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin visited the Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School in Rejoso Village, Peterongan, Jombang, on the second day of a working visit to East Java.

The vice president had time to perform Friday prayers at the Islamic boarding school by acting as a prayer priest, and witnessed the symbolic handover of studentpreneur assistance from the Head of Baznas Noor Achmad to three mustahik representatives.

In his remarks, at the gathering, the Vice President gave motivation to all the students who were present.

"Santri can be anything. They can be kiai, they can be regents, they can be governors, they can be ministers, they can be presidents, they can be vice presidents," said Ma'ruf Amin in a written statement quoted by Antara, Friday, June 3.

However, the Vice President reminded that students always intend to do everything for Allah SWT, not for worldly interests.

The vice president wished the students of Darul Ulum success in continuing the struggle of the ulama and achieving independence.

Ma'ruf hopes that Darul Ulum students can become national leaders.

"I pray that Peterongan and the Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School will continue to be sources for producing al mutafaqqih fiddin (Islamic religious scholars) and that you are all blessed by Allah," said the vice president.

Before ending the visit, the Vice President also made a pilgrimage to the grave of KH Romly Tamim, which is inside the Islamic boarding school complex. Kiai Romly is the founder and caregiver of the second generation of Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School administrators, and the son of KH Tamim Irsyad.

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