
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health said that 95.7 percent or 95,702 prospective pilgrims had met the requirements to depart for the Holy Land.

"As of this afternoon, the pilgrims' health checks, out of 100,051 hajj candidates who got this year's quota, 95,702 pilgrims who have done health checks. This means that 95.7 percent of the pilgrims can be said to be ready to depart," said Head of the Hajj Health Center, Ministry of Health, Budi Sylvana, quoted from Antara Thursday 2 June.

He added that his party was still carrying out health checks on pilgrims who did not meet the health requirements.

On that occasion, he said that around 95 percent of prospective pilgrims had received two doses of COVID-19 vaccination and 95.7 percent of prospective pilgrims had received meningitis vaccinations.

"We are optimistic, God willing, hopefully by the day of departure all pilgrims have completed their vaccination status," he said.

He reminded that if until the D day there are prospective pilgrims who have not met the vaccine requirements, they may not be able to depart.

"This is mandatory on the part of Saudi Arabia," he said.

Saudi Arabian authorities also require all prospective pilgrims to show a negative PCR test result whose sample was taken 72 hours before departure.

He said prospective pilgrims whose PCR results have not been out of 72 hours will not be dispatched.

"For that we have to take it into account, especially by officers in conveying related to the time of the PCR examination," he said.

Previously, Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas emphasized that all conditions for the pilgrimage set by the Government of Saudi Arabia in 1443 H/2022 AD must be met before the departure of pilgrims to the Holy Land of Mecca and Medina.

"I want to remind the Director General and all his staff that the conditions for the pilgrimage that have been determined by Saudi Arabia must be met, first the vaccine requirements," he said.

According to the requirements set by the Government of Saudi Arabia, pilgrims must have received the COVID-19 vaccination and have a negative PCR test result whose sample was taken 72 hours before departure.

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