
BULELENG - A man with the initials KM (62) in Buleleng, Bali, had the heart to stab his wife with the initials NB (48) and then tried to commit suicide. The reason is that KM is hurt when his wife wants a divorce.

Head of Public Relations of the Buleleng Police, Commissioner Adjutant Gede Sumarjaya, said the stabbing occurred on Sunday, May 29. After stabbing his wife, KM tried to commit suicide by drinking a mixture of drugs and fizzy drinks.

"Both of them are still in the hospital and are still being treated at the Buleleng District Hospital," Sumarjaya said when contacted, Wednesday, June 1.

The suspect stabbed a knife into the victim's left chest. There was also a cut in the victim's left armpit. The perpetrator later tried to commit suicide but was caught by the family.

“The woman wants a divorce, the man wants to reconcile but the woman doesn't want to. It hurt the man then she was stabbed," he said.

The husband and wife's children report to the police with reports of domestic violence.

"Those who report are their children because there is domestic violence," said Sumarjaya.

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