
JAMBI - The Jambi City Tax Compliance Optimization Team collects tax arrears to hotels and restaurants in Jambi city and one of them is the 4-star hotel, Abadi Suite, which has had billions of rupiah in arrears in taxes over the past few years.

The Jambi City Government through the Tax Compliance Optimization Team collects tax arrears to hotels and restaurants in Jambi City, Monday, May 30.

"One of them is the Abadi Suite Hotel, which has the largest tax arrears", said Head of the Jambi City Integrated Tax and Retribution Processing Team (BPPRD), Nella Ervina, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, May 31.

Five-star hotels with tax arrears were targeted by the Jambi City Government integrated team. Of several five-star hotels that are tax arrears, one of them is the Abadi Suite hotel.

This 4-star hotel is located at Prof. HMO Bafadhal Street No. 111, Sungai Asam Village, Pasar District, Jambi City is suspected to be in arrears in taxes owed up to billions of rupiah.

After meeting and giving explanations to the management of the Abadi Suite hotel, the integrated team led by the Regional Tax and Retribution Management Agency (BPPRD) of Jambi City, Nella Ervina urged the hotel to immediately pay off the tax arrears.

Nella provides the opportunity for the Abadi Suite hotel management to pay off tax arrears within 1 x 24 hours.

Meanwhile, the General Manager of Abadi Suite Hotel and Tower, Fitri, was not willing to confirm the outstanding tax arrears which reached billions of rupiah.

Nella Evrina who is also the Head of the Jambi City BPPRD explained that currently, 15 taxpayers have not paid off their regional tax obligations. In addition to hotels and restaurants, there are also parking managers at traditional markets and other taxpayers.

Overall, the total tax arrears that have not been paid by taxpayers amounted to more than IDR 15 billion.

"We carried out obedience and compliance tests to 15 taxpayer places which were divided into three teams. From the three teams, there are several taxes that we seal, some pay directly, and some will fulfill their tax obligations for 1 time 24 hours", said Nella.

Before visiting the tax arrears, the Jambi City Tax Compliance Optimization Team had sent a warning and collection letter to immediately pay off the tax arrears, but they were not heeded.

In principle, the Jambi City Government educates and guides all taxpayers to realize that the tax money deposited by the community is the right of the government and taxpayers cannot hold it, let alone for months and even years.

Nella also explained that the reasons why taxpayers do not make tax payments are various, such as finances being deposited directly to central management in Jakarta, so that to make tax payments, central management must also obtain approval.

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