
JAKARTA - The committee for the Jakarta Formula E racing event said that 98 percent of the preparations for the activities to be held on Saturday, June 4 have reached 98 percent. Project Management Office Formula E Farid Subkhan said, currently they are just doing the final finishing.

"If you say the target is 100 percent, it's already 100 percent. But overall it's actually 98 percent because only small things are left, such as the beautification of the Formula E track," said Farid in an online discussion program broadcast on YouTube, Saturday, May 28.

Farid then explained that the intended beautification was in the form of preparing entertainment and community activity units (UKM). This step is important because later there will be performers who will be prepared to entertain the audience and visitors to Ancol.

As for the preparation for the race, it is now 100 percent. In fact, today, Saturday, May 28, the organizing committee held its final meeting with Formula E Operation (FEO).

"This is a meeting with the FEO team, Formula E Operation to ensure that everything is on track from AZ, be it infrastructure, licensing, tickets, ticket distribution, security, food and beverage, entertainment, artists and others," said Farid.

Farid ensured that the organizing committee for the electric car racing event would try their best. So that Formula E Jakarta activities can run well and become a place to introduce Indonesia as well as a campaign to use environmentally friendly vehicles.

"For that we seriously prepare ourselves as well as possible," he said.

"Overall, we as the organizing committee want to present the best for Indonesia, for the world that Formula E is presented as a campaign to use environmentally friendly vehicles," added Farid.

Furthermore, Farid agrees that this is the first time that the Formula E Jakarta event has been carried out so that shortages can occur. However, he and the other implementing committees will do their job as much as possible and try to continue to make improvements in the future.

"This is the first time, of course it's not perfect. In the future, we will continue to make improvements. This is the first part for us, participating and putting Indonesia at the forefront of the campaign for the use of environmentally friendly vehicles," he concluded.

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