
JAKARTA - The Director General of Village Government Development, Yusharto Huntoyungo assigned the Director of FPKAD and the CPMU P3PD Team to accompany the World Bank on the ISM V P3PD Field Trip Activity 24-25 May 2022 to Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta.

The event was also attended by representatives of the Ministry of Villages PDTT, Bappenas, Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture, and the World Bank Team. The team was received by the Regent's expert staff in the field of People's Welfare and Human Resources, Bambang Sutrisno.

Bambang initially explained to the team the profile of Kulon Progo Regency and the villages to be visited. Furthermore, the ISM V Field Trip moved to the Wates District Office to discuss with Sumiyati regarding the role of the District in fostering the village government.

Especially for improving village governance, improving services to village communities, and improving the quality of village spending.

Then the team was divided for visits and discussions with village government officials, BPD, and village assistants in the Inclusion Village (Ngestiharjo Village, Jatirejo Village, Salamrejo Village) and Digital Village (Karang Wuni Village, Bumirejo Village, Kaliagung Village). They look for problems and solutions to improve governance and village development.

The visit was closed after the ISM V Field Trip Team held discussions with officials from the Ministry of Home Affairs Village Administration Center in Yogyakarta and the Center for Village Community Empowerment and Training of the Ministry of PDTT Village.

"Implementation Support Mission (ISM) V is a form of support from relevant ministries/agencies and the World Bank, to monitor the implementation of P3PD as a whole. In addition to discussing the progress of the implementation of the P3PD Program, field visits were also conducted to see firsthand the development of the program at the local level. , especially villages," said the Sub-Coordinator for Publication and Information of the CPMU P3PD Directorate General of Pemdes Pemdes at the Ministry of Home Affairs, Simon Makarios Aruan, Friday, May 27.

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