JAKARTA - Menstruation is a natural cycle in a women's reproductive system that generally occurs every month, from adolescence to adulthood. Although it is a normal biological process, many women face challenges during this period, including symptoms such as bloating stomach, acne, mood swings, and lower back pain.
Citing ANTARA, the lower back pain during menstruation has a specific cause. A total of 1 in 10 women experienced this symptom, as explained by Dr. Gandhali Deorkhkhar, a gynecologist and obstetrician from Woc HOSPITAL airing, Mumbai.
"The enemy is caused by prostaglandin, which is a hormone that triggers contraction of the uterus to remove the lining of the uterus. This process can also spread to the lower back," explained Dr. Gandhali.
Dr. Gandhali added that more intense pain is likely felt by women who have certain medical conditions, such as endometriosis, fibroids, or cysts on the pelvis. This health problem can exacerbate the discomfort felt during menstruation.
To reduce back pain that occurs during menstruation, there are various steps that can be done at home, including:
1. Massage and heat therapy
Doing soft massage or using a warm compress in the back area can help relieve pain.
2. Light exercise
Physical activity such as light stretching or walking can reduce muscle tension and increase blood circulation.
3. Changes in diet
Reducing the consumption of processed foods and sugars and adding healthy foods to the daily menu can help reduce inflammation.
4. Use of herbal medicine
Some herbal plants such as kemangi, Kamomil tea, and ginger can be tried to relieve pain naturally.
5. Anti-inflammatory drugs
Doctors often recommend non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) to treat pain. Some women also find it helpful to use hormonal contraception.
Hansaji Yogendra, a yoga expert and Director of The Yoga Institute, suggested the importance of strengthening the core muscles through daily physical activity to prevent back pain during menstruation. He also recommends choosing loose clothes and maintaining the right posture while sitting, standing, and walking.
Those who experience pain during menstruation, meditation, deep breathing exercise, and light stretching can be an effective solution. Some yoga movements that can help relieve pain and strengthen the lower back include:
These steps not only help reduce discomfort but also support overall body health during menstruation.
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