
SAMARINDA - Fires hit two points in Samarinda City, East Kalimantan (Kaltim), today Thursday, May 26. The red rooster devoured the settlements in Sungai Pinang District and Loa Janan Ilir District.

"The residential fire on Jalan S Parman Gang 4, Temindung Permai Village, occurred at 10.50 WITA to 12.30 WITA or for a duration of 1 hour, 40 minutes," said Head of the Samarinda City Fire and Rescue Service Hendra AH in Samarinda, quoted from Antara. , Thursday 26 May.

The fire hit two RTs, namely RT 25 and 28. Meanwhile, 13 buildings burned, with details in RT 25 scorching a single house and a boarding house with five rooms.

Then in RT 28 there were 11 buildings that were burned, consisting of nine single houses and two ward houses which had seven doors.

In this 50 x 50 meter fire location, based on temporary data, 19 families (KK) are inhabited with a total of 75 people.

The details are that in RT 25 there are 3 families with 11 people, then in RT 28 there are 16 families with 64 people.

"In this fire there were four injured, with details of two people being lightly injured and two people having fainted," said Hendra.

The temporary suspicion, he continued, was that the fire originated from an electrical short circuit, but for confirmation, the police are still waiting for an investigation.

The team that extinguished the fire in the field was Disdamkar Samarinda which consisted of Command Post 2 dispatched three fire engines, Command Post 3 dispatched two aid units, Command Post 1 dispatched two aid units, Command Post 7 dispatched two aid units, rescue cars, private PMK unit, Balakarcana unit , and Samarinda City Volunteers.

Meanwhile, the fire on Jalan Cipto Mangunkusumo occurred at 16.15 to 17.45 WITA, or with a duration of 1 hour, 30 minutes.

The number of buildings that burned was 18 units consisting of kiosks and rented houses with about 100 doors, with an area that burned 100 by 40 meters.

"Temporary data, this burned area is inhabited by 100 families with 400 people. The origin of the fire is suspected to be due to an electrical short in one of the rented tenement houses, but the certainty is still waiting for police investigation," said Hendra.

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