
SURABAYA - City government officials (Pemkot) of Surabaya have never conveyed their performance to the mass media. However, this time, the Mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi, instructed all his subordinates to publish their performance in the media.

"We convey the work contract to the media. Starting next month, the PD Head must convey the results of the performance contract to the mass media. So that there is transparency and not disapproval," said Eri Cahyadi, in Surabaya, Wednesday, May 25.

Eri Cahyadi requested that the outputs and outcomes of city government officials be submitted to the mass media every six months. Whether it's the results of the performance of the Head of Regional Apparatus (PD), Camat and Lurah. "This is a form of accountability for the city government and the disclosure of public information to the public," he said.

Eri admits that he wants to build a City of Heroes by involving all parties. Therefore, he wants the outputs and outcomes of officials to be conveyed to the public so that they can also provide evaluations and assessments.

"Because I want to build the city of Surabaya by involving all existing elements. Starting from the press, stakeholders, DPRD, and elements of society," he said.

On the other hand, Eri also invited the mass media to work together in building Surabaya. He hopes that the mass media will become a link for information and communication between the government and the community.

"I want journalism in the future to be able to change Indonesia, to change society for the better. So, convey the news factually without adding and subtracting," he said.

Because according to him, journalism also has an important role in the progress and development of the city. Even journalists can also be the cause of destruction if the information conveyed is not in accordance with the facts.

"Continue to convey the truth of information to the public. I hope that journalism in the future will participate in building this city through words and words that can provide encouragement," he said.

The Mayor of Surabaya said that his party is currently preparing a system for appointments. The system is open and can be known by the public. One of the assessment indicators in the system is the output and outcome of the Surabaya City Government Civil Servants (PNS).

"So, all the results of the performance of civil servants are recorded. This is what I want to form," he said.

He hopes that whoever the mayor will be, the official appraisal system can continue to run. So that the promotion of civil servants in Surabaya City Government is not due to proximity to the mayor, but based on performance results.

"That's why I told my friends that approaching me for a certain purpose is wrong. Because I let go of someone's position not because I like it or not, but see the output and performance outcomes of the official," he said.

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