
JAKARTA - Chairman of Commission VI of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Faisol Riza, believes that Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan is capable of carrying out President Joko Widodo's new task to deal with the cooking oil problem.

"I believe Pak Luhut is able to handle the problems that are ordered by Pak Jokowi," said Faisol Riza, Wednesday, May 25. The head of the commission in charge of trade admits that dealing with the cooking oil problem is not easy. "The problem of cooking oil is not easy, although it is not something that is not affordable for us either," he said.

However, the PKB politician believes that the problem of expensive and rare cooking oil can be solved with firmness and contributions from all parties.

"This requires firmness, the ability to communicate with all parties, especially producers and distributors. As well as the ability to ensure that the government, the state, the nation, need the support of various parties to deal with potential crises and rising commodity prices," said Faisol Riza.

It is known, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has again given a special task to the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan. This time, Luhut was asked to take care of the cooking oil problem because the price was still high and the stock was scarce in the market.

"Suddenly the President (Jokowi) ordered me to take care of cooking oil. So since three days ago, I started dealing with the problem of the scarcity of cooking oil," said Luhut when opening the virtual GAMKI 60th Anniversary Peak Celebration, which was broadcast via YouTube. Gamki Balikpapan, Saturday, May 21. Luhut hopes that the cooking oil issue will be resolved as soon as it is handled. "We hope that it won't be too long before we finish it," he said.

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