
JAKARTA - The Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi has raised his voice regarding the frequent accidents involving tourism buses. According to him, the cause of the accident was due to lack of law enforcement.

Moreover, Budi said, tourism buses are generally used Inter-City Interprovincial Transport (AKAP) buses, where the condition of the fleet and driver's condition is not known for certain.

"As we all know that tourist buses are used AKAP buses that are used individually and sometimes they are not tracked. Is the driver correct, the bus is correct, it is not tracked," said Budi in a virtual press conference broadcast on the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube, Tuesday, May 24.

For this reason, said Budi, the Ministry of Transportation encourages the Police and the Transportation Service in the regions to carry out law enforcement efforts.

Renting a tour bus for going home is actually prohibited because it can cause accidents. Given, the bus drivers do not go through a controlled route. This is different from regular buses which have often crossed this route.

"We appeal to the Regional Police, the Transportation Agency to carry out law enforcement on tourist buses. Because tourist buses are dangerous," he said.

Accidents involving tour buses are common. For example, on May 2, 2022, there was a fatal accident involving a tourist bus used for going home. The accident occurred on the Solok-Padang Highway, West Sumatra.

The bus was carrying 32 passengers from Jakarta to Padang Air Manis Beach. As a result of the accident, two children died. The rest were injured and taken to the hospital.

The cause of the accident is suspected to be because the bus driver lost control and did not control the terrain. Then the bus hit a power pole and overturned.

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