
BANDA ACEH - The Banda Aceh COVID-19 Task Force (Satgas) noted that it has been more than a month (since mid-April 2022) Banda Aceh without additional COVID-19 cases.

"Alhamdulillah, Banda Aceh has been five weeks without additional COVID-19 cases," said Deputy Secretary of the Banda Aceh COVID-19 Task Force Rizal Abdillah, in Banda Aceh, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, May 24.

Rizal said, based on the latest data from the Banda Aceh Health Service, cases in the provincial capital of Aceh have not yet been added, even patients undergoing treatment and self-isolation are also no longer available.

Rizal said that cumulatively, cases in Banda Aceh since COVID-19 hit, remained at 9,626 people, of which 9,285 were declared cured and 341 died.

So far, the Banda Aceh government has never stopped conducting COVID-19 checks on its citizens at hospitals and several other laboratories.

"We are still carrying out tests, but the results of the tests are indeed reported as not being confirmed as positive for COVID-19," he said.

Rizal said, seeing today's developments, Banda Aceh should have been in the green zone (safe from transmission), but so far there has been no official statement from the central task force.

"The green position should be right now, but we are still waiting from the Task Force for the position," said the Head of the Banda Aceh BPBD.

To note, the Minister of Home Affairs has also issued a new letter regarding the status of the area, where Banda Aceh is still surviving at level I COVID-19 together with the City of Sabang.

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