DENPASAR - The national action of planting 10 million trees from Bali was led directly by the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, Muhadjir Effendy.
The government has taken concrete actions in the form of planting 10 million trees which will be carried out from 2022 to 2023 as an implementation of the National Mental Revolution Movement (GNRM) and coincides with the 2022 Global Platform for Disaster Risk (GPDRR) which is being held in Bali.
“On behalf of the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture as well as the chairman of the local committee of the 2022 GPDRR, we strongly support the idea of planting 10 million trees. Karen, this is very good for developing character strengthening and life values in society", said Muhadjir at SMP PGRI 3 School Denpasar, Bali, quoted from a written statement, Tuesday, May 24.
The action was marked by planting fruit trees at SMP PGRI 3 Denpasar and planting mangrove trees at Mertasari Beach, Sanur, Denpasar, Bali.
In addition, the mangrove planting action at the 2022 GPDRR is a momentum for the United Nations' support for Indonesia's commitment to disaster risk reduction and climate change control.
“Why is this associated with GNRM. Because we know how important reforestation is, and keep Indonesia a green area. This is also a strategic step in efforts to combat the negative impacts of climate change", he explained.
Geographically and geologically, Indonesia is prone to disasters because it is located in the confluence zone of the world's large plates.
“Indonesia also needs to be alert to non-natural disasters and hydrometeorological disasters triggered by global climate change. According to the World Risk Report 2021, Indonesia is ranked 38th out of 181 countries at risk of disasters", he said.
He also mentioned that the habit of planting and maintaining existing trees is developed for all Indonesian people so that Indonesia will be able to reduce the risk of disasters, both natural and non-natural disasters.
The launching of the planting of 10 million trees this morning was carried out in 34 provinces by involving all levels of society, from schools, universities, representatives of local governments, and other community organizations.
“I would like to thank those who have participated. Let's instill a love for the environment, love for trees, love for anti-deforestation", said Muhadjir.
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