
JAKARTA - The funeral home for MY, the victim of a stabbing on Jalan Swakarsa 2, Duren Sawit District, East Jakarta, began to be visited by residents and relatives of the victim, Monday, May 23, this afternoon. Arriving at the victim's body MY from the Police Hospital, sobs accompanied the funeral home of the victim's residence.

MY died after being attacked with a sickle by his sister-in-law's girlfriend. The victim was slashed after warning the perpetrator not to smoke in the house.

Indra, one of the victims' families, said that the initial incident occurred when the victim reprimanded the perpetrator with the initials A.

"The information I got is that the perpetrator is dating the victim's sister-in-law or the sister of the victim's wife. The relationship is still dating, so there is no marriage bond," he said, Monday, May 23.

MY admonished A not to smoke. However, MY's warning actually made A angry. MY reprimanded him because the victim's child was in the house who was 6 months old and sick.

"(The victim) has a six-month-old toddler. Coincidentally, the toddler's position at that time was unwell," he said.

Not receiving the reprimand, the perpetrator who was about to go home then attacked the victim. In fact, the perpetrator often visited the victim's house.

As a result of the sharp weapon attack, the victim suffered a sharp weapon stab wound in the stomach.

"His burial at our family cemetery is on Jalan Swakarsa 1 in Pondok Kelapa as well," he concluded.

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