
BUKITTINGGI - Police have arrested one new suspect suspected of being a courier or drug delivery person in connection with the largest case of shabu-shabu distribution in West Sumatra with a total of 41.4 kilograms.

The Head of the Bukittinggi Police, AKBP Dody Prawiranegara, said that his party managed to arrest another suspect who served as a courier who brought two crates of methamphetamine to West Sumatra.

"Our team managed to arrest one more suspect in Central Java, who has now been secured and is heading to Bukittinggi. It is suspected that he was temporarily tasked with carrying two crates of methamphetamine weighing more than 40 kilograms", said Police Chief Dody in Bukittinggi, Monday, May 23.

He said that according to the suspect's confession, this courier delivered the goods to the perpetrator who had previously been arrested with the initials MF.

The police chief said the new suspect arrested was a resident of Bukittinggi.

"It's true, he has a Bukittinggi ID card, a total of nine suspects at this time, five people from Agam and four others from Bukittinggi", he was quoted as saying by Antara.

The disclosure of this major case is claimed to have saved as many as 414,000 potential drug users or abusers in Bukittinggi and West Sumatra in general.

"Because it is true that according to the perpetrator's statement, more than 40 kilograms of methamphetamine will be marketed in West Sumatra, especially Bukittinggi Agam, this is scary, hopefully, we can stop the circulation of narcotics", said the Police Chief.

He asked all parties to participate, care and cooperate with the police to break the chain of narcotics circulation.

The police chief added that the 41.4 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine worth IDR 62.1 billion were planned to be destroyed soon.

"Currently Propam and Provos are guarded in a locked room for 24 hours, the destruction is planned for the end of May or no later than June", he concluded.

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