
JAKARTA - The chairman of the Jakarta Formula E Organizing Committee, Ahmad Sahroni, said that the Formula E drivers would make a convoy in the National Monument (Monas) area before the race started.

"June 2 there will be an activity for a photo session and a little spin inside Monas and the racers," said Sahroni to reporters, Sunday, May 22.

Sahroni also said that they would not test the circuit that had been built in the eastern part of Ancol, but would immediately race on the day of the event on June 4.

Sahroni explained, that Formula E is a racing event that usually uses city circuits or circuits on city streets. So that racers do not need to do a test before competing.

"They don't test the track, they just play. They've played in the simulator. Now, Formula E drivers and Formula 1 are different," said Sahroni.

Meanwhile, Formula E racing cars have started to come to Indonesia in stages starting last Sunday, May 22. In total, 22 cars from 11 teams will be sent to Indonesia until May 24.

Upon arrival in Jakarta, Sahroni said that the racing cars for Formula E would immediately be placed in the paddock and would only be prepared for racing three days before the event.

"This is to be placed, further checked by the custom. After that, after everything has been entered, we will unbox it around the 27th (May) in Ancol," he explained.

Sahroni also guaranteed the security of logistics receipts for the international electric car race event. Sahroni said the organizers would carry out the process of receiving and preparing logistics cargo according to applicable standards.

"This (Formula E logistics receipt) is more specific, they (the cargo recipients) are more careful. Although the authority of Customs, but for the inspection of racing equipment it is part of our custom. Hopefully according to the rules, not like before," he explained.

Sahroni said that the security guarantee was related to the concerns that arose during the previous international event. When receiving the logistics for the Mandalika MotoGP at the beginning of last year, an incident occurred when the cargo of one of the manufacturers did not comply with work standards.

Sahroni said that the previous incident was an important note for all parties involved in organizing Formula E in Jakarta so that they would not make the same mistake.

"This is a correction for all of us in the implementation of international events so that mistakes don't happen again," he continued.

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