
JAKARTA - Indonesian Political Indicator Researcher Bawono Kumoro said the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) considered the closeness between political party elites before forming a coalition for elections. Because, even without a coalition, PDIP can already carry a single candidate.

"The closeness between the general chairman elite is the most decisive, compared to other factors. Because if the presidential threshold is factored in, the PDIP itself can do it," said Bawono in an online discussion, Thursday, May 19. According to Bawono, PDIP has the opportunity to form a coalition with the Gerindra Party. The reason is that PDIP and Gerindra have worked together for the 2009 presidential election (Pilpres). At that time, Prabowo became the vice presidential candidate to accompany Megawati Soekarnoputri.

"Therefore, we often hear about Prabowo-Puan rumors or rumors," said Bawono.

Bawono said the PDIP's tendency to form a coalition with the Gerindra Party was even greater after Prabowo Subianto joined the Forward Indonesia Cabinet of President Joko Widodo's government.

"There is a repeated closeness, if it was PDIP and Gerindra that they were intimate in 2009 and in 2019 that closeness was repeated again between Pak Prabowo who entered the cabinet. I think this is one of the factors that later PDIP will form a coalition with Gerindra," Bawono explained.

Even so, Bawono assessed, the formation of a coalition between the PDIP and the Gerindra Party could collide when determining the candidate for president and vice president. Because, Prabowo plans to run again as a presidential candidate in 2024.

Meanwhile, PDIP, said Bawono, seems to be still undecided. Whether to carry the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, or the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo. "The bottom line is how likely the figures presented by each party will be in a coalition will be considered. Of course, no party in carrying out a candidate pair wants to lose," concluded Bawono.

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