
BANJARMASIN - A fictitious online social gathering case with the wife of a member of the Banjarmasin Police with the initials RA will be tried soon. The Public Prosecutor (JPU) has submitted his case file to the Banjarmasin District Court (PN) today.

The total loss for victims of this fictitious online social gathering mode fraud case is estimated at Rp11 billion.

"In this first case file, suspect RA is charged with alternative charges, namely Article 378 of the Criminal Code on Fraud and Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE)," said Banjarmasin District Attorney (Kejari) Radityo Wisnu Aji in Banjarmasin, Wednesday 18 May.

He said that the basis for applying the alternative article was because the suspect was suspected of using social media in his actions to carry out social gatherings online.

The case file lists seven victims of alleged fraud with a total loss of IDR 650 million.

Meanwhile, the evidence included is a house unit along with its certificate, Rp 90 million in cash and a number of other items such as electronics, clothes, shoes and branded bags which were allegedly obtained from the proceeds of crime.

Regarding the crime of money laundering (TPPU), Radityo admitted that currently it is still under the authority of police investigators, and his party is still waiting for notification of the issuance of the Order for the Commencement of Investigation (SPDP).

"Currently, the suspect is still being held in the custody of the Banjarmasin Police. Until this stage, there has been no attempt or initiation of peaceful mediation from either the victim or the suspect," he said.

Meanwhile, according to the Antara report, Banjarmasin District Court Spokesman Aris Bawono Langgeng said, after the case file was received, then it was just a matter of waiting for the decision by the Banjarmasin District Court Chief regarding the composition of the panel of examiners and judges and the schedule for the inaugural trial.

The results of the investigation with the Banjarmasin Satreskrim Polresta and the South Kalimantan Police Ditreskrimum online social gathering with the RA airport recorded 320 victims who joined.

MS's husband, who is a member of the National Police, was also named a suspect and has been investigated by the Propam Division of the South Kalimantan Police regarding sanctions within the police.

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