
JAKARTA - Chairman of PBNU KH Yahya Cholil Staquf held a gathering to a number of kiai and major Islamic boarding schools in East Java for three days starting on Wednesday 18 May 2022. "We represent the heavy mandate of these jamiah muazis. The blessing of goodness is present in this jamiyah. Especially from KH Syamsul Arifin, what we do hopefully get ease and blessings," said Gus Yahya in his statement received in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Wednesday, May 18. one of the muezzins founding NU was in Situbondo. He revealed that PBNU is currently trying to improve organizational discipline, and strengthen goodness. According to him, starting from the branches up to the PBNU, it is hoped that there will be no tone that is not in tune with the whole. "Hopefully, with the blessing of the muazis, everything can be achieved," said Gus Yahya.

After the gathering at the residence of KH Azaim, Gus Yahya then continued his sowan to the residence of the Deputy Rais Aam PBNU KH Afifuddin Muhajir whose house happened to be not far from the Sukorejo Islamic Boarding School. Songo Situbondo. "This kind of gathering of kiai is important. So we can stay in touch with each other and exchange ideas. I am proud that the PBNU Ketum brings a culture of traveling to kiai," said Ra Kholil. to KH Wahab Hasbullah and KH Abdurrahman Wahid who also like to travel to Islamic boarding schools and kiai. For three days, the gathering on Wednesday began with a pilgrimage to the graves of KHR Asad Syamsul Arifin, KHR Syamsul Arifin and KHR Fawaid Asad at the Salafiyah Safi' Islamic Boarding School. iyah Sukorejo Asembagus Situbondo. At the Sukorejo Islamic Boarding School, Gus Yahya's arrival was immediately greeted by KHR Ahmad Azaim Ibrahimy and a number of scholars caretaker of the Sukorejo Islamic boarding school. After the pilgrimage at the tomb, Gus Yahya, who came accompanied by the Secretary General of PBNU Saifullah Yusuf (Gus Ipul) and the chairman of PBNU Amin Said Husni, then attended the midday prayer in congregation and visited the residence of KH Azaim. we miss. In this place there is a long history of Nahdlatul Ulama," said KH Azaim when welcoming Gus Yahya. KH Azaim then told the momentum of KHR Asad Syamsul Arifin receiving the mandate of sticks and tasbih from Syaichona Cholil Bangkalan before NU was founded. KH Asad was also trusted by Hadratusyech Hasyim Asy 'ari to consult about NU and its emblem.

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