
BANDUNG - The Bandung City Transportation Service (Dishub), West Java, appealed to the public to continue to wear masks when using online-based transportation, such as taxis or online motorcycle taxis (ojol).

The Head of Transportation Control and Order at the Bandung City Transportation Agency, Asep Kuswara, said that the use of masks in public transportation is not only limited to conventional transportation, such as buses, city transportation (angkot), but also online-based transportation.

"But now I think it's still comfortable to wear masks, on motorbikes to wear masks, people are also used to it," he said, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, May 18.

According to him, this is in accordance with President Joko Widodo's directives to relax the rules for the use of masks, but the use of masks in crowded locations or in closed rooms must still be done.

Asep said that so far the supervision of the use of masks by Dishub officers has only been carried out at a number of bus terminals, but when traveling, the supervision of the use of masks is left to the bus manager.

"If you are at the terminal, you will be monitored, but if you are on the road you are confused about monitoring it, so it's just the driver and conductor (remind)," he said.

Meanwhile, the Mayor of Bandung, Yana Mulyana, completely handed over to the community regarding the use of masks at this time. According to him, masks are still personal protection from exposure to COVID-19.

"Currently, the president has said that outdoor activities can remove masks. We will leave it again to the public's belief," he said.

"But again, I'm pretty sure the COVID-19 virus must have mutated, it's spread by droplets. Hopefully the use of masks can prevent COVID-19," he said.

Yana believes that the COVID-19 pandemic situation in Bandung is relatively under control. In fact, according to him, it has now entered the endemic phase, if you measure it from a number of indicators.

"Based on existing indicators and the vaccination process in Bandung City, it is extraordinary. The first dose (vaccination) is 113 percent, the second dose is 103 percent and the third dose is 34 percent," he said.

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