YOGYAKARTA - In Islamic teachings, the Prophet SAW set an example in various aspects of life, including in terms of clothing color choices. The question is, is there a color that the Prophet does not like?
Some history mentions that he has certain color preferences and even avoids some colors. This article will overview the colors that the Prophet SAW did not like and the reasons behind it.
Reporting from the NU Online page, the hadith narrated by Qadadah from Anas bin Malik explained about the favorite clothes of Prophet Muhammad SAW. Anas was asked, "What clothes did the Prophet like the most?" and he replied, "Our direction."
This hadith is narrated in several well-known hadith books such as Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, Tirmidzi, Nasai, and Musnad Ahmad.
The term "hibarah" may sound foreign to us. But clerics like Imam Nawawi in the Muslim Syarh book, explain that hibara is a type of clothing made of cotton cloth. This cotton cloth is then soaked, motivated, and decorated in such a way that it looks beautiful.
This hadith shows that the Prophet Muhammad SAW likes simple but beautiful clothes.
The use of the word "hibrary" in this hadith indicates that he likes clothes that are comfortable, not flashy, and has attractive motifs or patterns.
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From the hadith above, we can take some important lessons if in Islam we recommend their people to dress clean, neat, and polite. Hibara clothes are an example that the Prophet Muhammad SAW likes simple clothes but still pays attention to beauty.
This hadith also shows that there is sunnah or recommendations in dress in Islam. Muslims are encouraged to follow the sunnah of the Prophet in terms of dress as a form of love and obedience to him.
In addition, this hadith also provides the argument that it is permissible for Muslims to wear clothes that have motifs or patterns.
However, even though this hadith mentions hibara clothes, this does not mean that other clothes that are not included in the hibara are not allowed. The most important thing is that the clothes we wear must meet the conditions of defamation, cover the aurat, and are not striking.
Reporting from the Muhammadiyah page, several history mentions that the Prophet Muhammad SAW did not respond to the greeting of someone wearing red clothes.
Another history even mentions that demons like red. However, keep in mind that these hadiths have different statuses and need to be studied further by hadith experts.
The reason for the emergence of the two hadiths above is because the Prophet did not like the burning red clothes, especially those worn on the back of his best friend's horse.
Why? Because the light red color is often associated with chaos and anxiety.
In addition, clothes that are too luxurious can cause arrogance. The choice of a person's clothing color actually reflects his character and personality. (Source: Asbabul Wurud 2, Ibb Hamzah al-Husaini al-Hanafi ad-Dimsyidi, hal: 450).
Then related to men wearing red clothes, there is a history of Abdullah bin Amr. He said that the Prophet saw him wearing two clothes that were covered in dark yellow (mu'ashfar).
The Prophet then said, "This is the clothing of the infidels, don't wear it." In another history, the Prophet asked Abdullah, "Is it your mother who wants to wear this?" Abdullah replied, "Is it enough for me to just wash it?" The Prophet said, "No, just burn it!" (HR Muslim).
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