
TERNATE - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of North Maluku Province (Malut) stated that until now there have been no reports related to infrastructure damage due to the 5.8 magnitude earthquake that rocked the West Halmahera (Halbar) Regency and its surroundings.

"For now, BPBD has not received any reports of damage to various facilities or infrastructure due to the 5.8 magnitude earthquake in Halbar," said Head of Logistics and Emergency at the North Sumatra BPBD, Yusri Abd Kasim when contacted by Antara in Ternate, Monday, May 9.

He explained that currently BPBD has assigned a disaster analysis team led by Rusihan Ismail to carry out checks related to the earthquake.

Previously, the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) stated that the earthquake had no potential for a tsunami in Halbar Regency, North Maluku, Monday, May 9 and the BMKG noted that the earthquake occurred at 06.51 WIT.

The epicenter was at a depth of 10 kilometers and located at 72 kilometers northwest of Halbar with earthquake information Mag:5.8, 09-May-22 04:51:39 WIB, Lok: 1.83 North Latitude, 127.15 East Longitude (72 km) northwest of West Halmahera- Malut, depth: 10 Km. Yusri Abd Kasim said there were no known reports of damage and casualties due to this earthquake, but the tremors were felt in areas around Halbar, such as Ternate City.

Meanwhile, a Ternate resident, Arman Muhammad, was contacted stating that the earthquake occurred at 06.51 WIT and was felt in Ternate City.

"The 5.8 magnitude earthquake made us panic and leave the house to save ourselves," he said.

Meanwhile, the results of observations in Jailolo and Ternate City after the 5.8 magnitude earthquake did not interfere with community activities, even the economic center continued to operate normally and offices of both the government and the private sector continued to operate as usual.

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