JAKARTA - Member of Commission I DPR RI from the PKS faction, Sukamta, proposed that the Draft Law (RUU) to boycott Israeli products be discussed immediately. This proposal is a form of Indonesian firmness in responding to the genocide carried out by Israel against Palestine.
"We are aware of the many hopes expressed to Indonesia on the Palestinian issue. Therefore we always provide full support to Palestine, including in an effort to boycott Israeli products," said Sukamta, Friday, December 20.
The bill was previously submitted by Sukamta in a meeting with the Palestinian diaspora in London on December 13. The meeting, which was held by The Cordoba Foundation, was also attended by international figures and other members of the PKS faction of the DPR.
During the meeting, Sukamta emphasized Indonesia's consistent commitment to supporting Palestinian rights. "The Indonesian constitution emphasizes that we support the independence of every nation and fight to eliminate colonialism. We will always stand by the Palestinian side," he said.
Sukamta also explained various forms of humanitarian assistance that Indonesia had provided to alleviate the crisis in Gaza, including sending a regular medical team and establishing a hospital. "We are also sending logistical assistance for emergency needs in Gaza," he added.
Sukamta, who is also a member of the House of Representatives' Commission on Defense and Foreign Affairs, revealed that Indonesia's position as the country with the largest Muslim population in the world provides its own uniqueness in supporting Palestinian independence. "We continue to do our best for the reconstruction of the future of Palestine," explained the legislator from the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY).
Furthermore, Sukamta stated that the DPR, through the PKS faction, plans to submit a Bill on Boycotting Israeli Products to the Legislation Body (Baleg). "The PKS faction is trying to apply the Israeli Product Boycott Bill to support the Palestinian struggle," he said.
The meeting in London also discussed other issues, such as Indonesia's trade policy, the potential pressure to normalize relations with Israel through the Abrahamic Agreement, as well as humanitarian aid efforts in Gaza.
"This discussion highlights how Indonesia maintains its support for Palestinian rights while facing diplomatic challenges and complex regional dynamics," concluded Sukamta.
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