JAKARTA - Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, assessed that the proposal to implement work from home or work from home (WFH) for a week for government and private employees after the end of the Eid holiday needs to be supported.
Because according to Dasco, this WFH policy can break down traffic jams during the return flow of Lebaran 2022. Moreover, there is still 47 percent of travelers who have not returned to Jabodetabek from their hometowns.
In fact, said Dasco, the application of WFH to workers will not affect productivity, the same as being physically present. "I think the WFH or physical attendance will of course be of the same quality. The difference is those who are homecoming in the next week," said Dasco in his statement, Monday, May 9.
It is known, that the proposal was initiated by the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, who advised government and private agencies to implement the WFH policy after the Lebaran holiday ended to prevent traffic jams during reverse flow. "If the proposal from the Head of the National Police is approved, it will certainly be halal-bihalal with office mates to go back a week, but the effectiveness is that traffic jams can be unraveled," added the Chairperson of the Gerindra Party DPP Daily.
Dasco added that this proposal from the National Police Chief should be considered and implemented for the common good. This is reflected in the spike in cases of COVID-19 after Eid last year.
"Because the homecoming flow can be gradually returned to Jakarta, so that traffic jams can be broken down. And I think the proposal from the National Police Chief should be considered for our common good," said the Coordinator of the House of Representatives' COVID-19 Countermeasures Task Force.
Previously, the Minister for Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (MenPAN RB) Tjahjo Kumolo also assessed that the WFH policy could also be an effort to prevent the increase in the number of COVID-19 cases after the 2022 Lebaran homecoming season.
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