
JAKARTA - Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Sunday evil had returned to Ukraine but Kyiv would win in an emotional speech, as Continent Blue marked the surrender of Nazi Germany in World War Two.

Moscow's February 24 invasion of Ukraine, which has killed thousands and displaced millions, ended 77 years of peace, he said on Ukraine Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation. It is known, Ukraine fought alongside Russia as part of the Soviet Union in the Second World War.

Video of his speech, recorded in front of a scorched Ukrainian apartment block with footage of a Russian missile strike, appeared a day before Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin marked the Soviet victory with a massive military parade.

"Darkness has returned to Ukraine decades after the Second World War. Evil has returned," said President Zelensky.

"Evil returns in a different form, under a different slogan, but for the same purpose."

"No crime can escape responsibility, it can't hide in a bunker," he said.

President Zelensky did not name Russian President Vladimir Putin in a videotape of his speech, but used clear language to express his horror at the destruction.

"A bloody reenactment of Nazism has been staged. A fanatical imitation of this regime. Its ideas, actions, words and symbols," he explained.

Moscow itself has called its actions since February 24 a 'special military operation' to disarm Ukraine, ridding it of what Russia calls "Nazi" and anti-Russian nationalism fueled by the West.

Ukraine and the West also say that Russia is waging a war of unwarranted aggression and dismisses rhetoric about the Nazis as propaganda.

"We will overcome everything. And we know this for sure, because our military and all our people are descendants of those who overcame Nazism," said President Zelensky.

Victory Day on May 9 is one of Russia's most important national events, commemorating the great sacrifices made by the Soviet Union in defeating Nazi Germany. Soviet Russia and Soviet Ukraine suffered horrific casualties.

Ukraine still officially commemorates Victory Day on May 9, but having 'turned' to the West since 2014, it has instituted a Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation on May 8 when France, Britain and the United States mark the 'Day of Victory in Europe'.

To note, the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany took effect at 11:01 p.m. on May 8, 1945, which was already May 9 in Moscow. The Russians call the war the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45.

Ukraine did not hold public events for May 8 or May 9 this year for fear of shootings. Some cities enforce curfews from Sunday evening until the morning of May 10.

In addition, the war this time also surprised the veterans of the Second World War Ukraine who fought for the Red Army side by side with Russia.

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